Your Influence Counts

Your Influence Counts

Many people are so alienated with the political process in the US that they will not bother to vote in next week’s midterm elections. They feel our political system is so corrupt it doesn’t matter who’s in power – that politicians only act to get reelected and maintain their perks of office. To some, voting is just like putting a fresh coat of paint on a condemned building.

These beliefs are self-defeating. They make people feel powerless and turn people away, not only from the political process, but also from life. To those that would profit from the current state of affairs, this is exactly what they would have you do. To effect change, you must remain connected. Continue reading Your Influence Counts



Last week a reader wrote to me, asking if it’s okay to feel emotions. Other teachers had advised him to EMBRACE his emotions, while I was recommending you DIS-IDENTIFY from them.

I responded:

It’s fine to EXPERIENCE emotions, but that’s never the GOAL.

Your GOAL should be to identify with your higher consciousness, your Higher Self or your I AM presence – not your ego.

Most people identify with their emotions. This is especially troublesome when they’ve identified with lower vibration emotions, like fear or anger, which hold you back from higher states of consciousness.

Ultimately, your goal is to feel JOYFUL. When you are truly joyful, you are beyond emotions – you are identifying with your Higher Self or your I AM presence. Everything is in perfect order and you naturally experience the bliss of pure being.

Almost immediately after hitting the “send” button to email my reply, a classic poem, written over 100 years ago, crossed my desk. The universe had conspired to provide me with an even better answer, that I could share with you and everyone… Continue reading If



Recently, a very attractive woman, Jennifer, told me that one of her greatest fears was that she would have sexual relations with a man and that he would then abandon her. She wanted a life partner, but based on her fear and her actions, I could see that she was inviting the very behavior she feared most. In my experience, this is quite common.

Jennifer’s behavior was similar to that of a Swedish woman I met ten years ago and that of an actress I met this summer. All three women had been conditioned to use their beauty to get what they wanted – offering the promise of future sex in return for things and experiences they wanted now. However, this reliance upon the body – and ultimately, the ego’s idea of fulfillment – is a recipe for disappointment, if not misery.

Men frequently sabotage themselves in a different way. They have been conditioned to equate their “net worth” with their “self worth,” and will often use money to get what they want. They will buy their date gifts or take them to fancy restaurants in the hopes that their date will reciprocate with sex. This approach may eventually result in temporarily satisfaction; but, again, this reliance upon one’s financial wealth – and ultimately, the ego’s idea of fulfillment – will not get them what they truly want.

What both men and women really want is Continue reading Intimacy

Predicting the Future

Predicting the Future

Recently, a friend of mine forwarded me an invitation to an upcoming remote viewing conference in England. In the invitation, the instructor described how Associative Remote Viewing (ARV) could be used in predicting the future.

The example he gave was to suppose you wanted to know who would win a football game the next day. Rather than ask a remote viewer who will win the game, you should associate an apple, for example, with the first team winning and a pencil with the second team winning. You would then ask the remote viewer, “describe the object that I will hand to you tomorrow?”

My friend asked me to elaborate. Continue reading Predicting the Future

7 Powerful Words of Wisdom

7 Powerful Words of Wisdom

“I changed my mind.”

These are four of the most powerful words in the English language. They can prevent you from being manipulated into an undesirable outcome and launch you on the road to personal and spiritual growth. Depriving yourself of the freedom to change your mind will lock you into a rigid mindset that can hamper your successes and your development.

Early in life you may have been led to believe it’s not good to change your mind. There are numerous words with negative connotations associated with those who do change their minds: fickle, indecisive, hesitant, unsure, wavering, erratic or wishy-washy. You’d much prefer to be known as steadfast, decisive, confident and sure.

Skilled manipulators use this near-universal conditioning Continue reading 7 Powerful Words of Wisdom

Mysticism, Dogma and Truth

Mysticism, Dogma and Truth

A question I’m often asked is, “Is mysticism a religion?”

Mysticism is a spiritual discipline aiming at direct communion with God or the ultimate truth. It is not a religion and, in fact, all religions have mystics. There are Christian mystics, Jewish mystics (Kabbalists), Islamic mystics (Sufis), Buddhist and Hindu mystics. Where all the tenets of these religions intersect is Continue reading Mysticism, Dogma and Truth

The Master Within

The Master Within

Some years ago, I had the opportunity to meet a long term mystic. During a lecture he was presenting on a mystic’s role in society, he uttered the words “inner warrior,” while looking directly at me. I had never met him and wondered if he knew I was the author of Mystic Warrior. His lecture was fascinating and I couldn’t wait for a chance to speak to him without distraction.

In accord with the universal law of attraction, my intense desire precipitated our meeting quickly. Less than an hour later, at the hotel lunch buffet, he was walking towards my table carrying a plate of food. I jumped up and invited him to join us, which he accepted.

I asked him whether he knew I had written Mystic Warrior. Calmly, he smiled and answered that he didn’t. He explained that when he lectures, Continue reading The Master Within

Why would you want to be enlightened?

Why would you want to be enlightened?

When I first put up my website, a marketing guru asked me a question that left me speechless.

I had retained Bob to review the copy on my website from a sales perspective. He asked about reader reactions. As we talked, I told him how some readers felt compelled, while in the midst of reading Mystic Warrior, to put it down and meditate. In several cases, they described tingling sensations on the crown of their head and of receiving “downloads of energy and information.” I told Bob they were “attuning with God” and how this is a step towards enlightenment.

That’s when he asked me the question that left me speechless.

He asked, “Why would you want to be enlightened?” Continue reading Why would you want to be enlightened?

A Lesson Inspired by the Tour de France

A Lesson Inspired by the Tour de France

The Tour de France – the word’s most prestigious bicycling race – is being held this month. It brings back memories of my days of racing bicycles when I was younger. Besides the miles and hours I spent training, I used to read everything I could from top coaches and cyclists about how I could become the best rider I could be.

One article contained a bit of advice that I especially treasured. It was an interview of Mike Walden, a legendary coach who trained many national champions and Olympians. Something he said conveyed a universal truth, which I appreciate even more today for its profound wisdom… Continue reading A Lesson Inspired by the Tour de France

Creativity and Inspiration

Creativity and Inspiration

Creativity for the mystic has special meaning. In the world of the mystic all is one. This means that there’s only one Creator. Your job as an artist, painter or writer is simply to attune with this One source of all creation, listen and report on what you’re told. This is the essence of divine inspiration. It’s similar to the advice I was given as a young businessman when my boss and I were on our way to an important meeting. He turned to me and said, “Keep your mouth shut and listen good.”

As an author, I am most familiar with the art of writing. Many people are fearful that they don’t know how to write or that they’re not qualified. Since everyone is tapping into the same source, it doesn’t matter. All you have to do is, Continue reading Creativity and Inspiration