Remote Viewing & Predicting the Future
Some time ago, a friend of mine forwarded me an invitation to an upcoming remote viewing conference in England. In the invitation, the instructor described how Associative Remote Viewing (ARV) could be used to predict the future. The example he gave was to suppose you wanted to know […]
Movies and Spiritual Growth
Recently, I went to an entertainment industry event filled with people interested in spiritual growth. A large portion of the audience was lamenting the fact that “no one is making movies that are spiritual.” All the popular movies had “bad guys” in them doing “rotten” things. In my view, overcoming […]
Spiritual Arrogance
Some time ago, I received an email from a reader stating, “I have evolved past the spiritual understanding of author.”
I chuckled at the reader’s bluntness. He didn’t mince words; clearly, he felt that he had developed capabilities that were not only greater than those of “author” but beyond the “understanding of author.”
The Surrender of the Ego
Almost everyone knows someone who professes to “know everything.” These people are never wrong, seldom accept advice and once they stake out a position, they will do anything to defend it. At best, they are perfectionists. At worst, they can become delusional as they fight to avoid being wrong […]
More Synchronicities
As I wrote in an earlier article on meaningful coincidences, or synchronicities:
Recognize whenever you are “in the flow” and take note of your thoughts and what you are doing. At the least, this is what you were meant to be doing at that particular moment in time. If you […]
Almost everyone has had experiences where they think of something and “coincidentally” it appears: a person you hadn’t seen in years shows up unexpectedly, a trial issue of a magazine is delivered to your home with just the information you needed, or you flip on the car radio to hear the lyrics of a […]
How to Identify Unconscious Beliefs
“Know thyself.”
These words were inscribed in the vestibule of the Temple of Apollo at Delphi.
For centuries, petitioners seeking advice from the oracle at Delphi would view the inscription. Philosophers throughout the ages offered this same advice to their students. These words are as valuable today as they were […]
3 Steps to Manifesting Your Ideal Life
Over the years I’ve received hundreds of email solicitations for books, CDs and videos that promise to reveal newly discovered techniques to improve my life. These emails promise a wide variety of benefits: how to get rich, lose weight, meet the woman of my dreams and buy a […]
Mental Alchemy
Back in the Middle Ages alchemists sought to transform base metal into gold. They searched for an elusive substance, the philosopher’s stone, which would bring about this conversion, known as alchemy. But to initiates of the ancient mystery schools, alchemy was primarily an allegory for the real work of spiritual and mental alchemy.